Holborn: Cockpit Yard, Northington Street, London, WC1N 2NP
25 - 27 November
Deptford: 18-22 Creekside, London, SE8 3DZ
2 - 4 December
It's the time of the year for mulled wine, mince pies and Christmas shopping! And the makers at Cockpit are preparing to welcome you in from the cold for this year's Christmas Open Studios. You'll find me at both sites this year...with a few new things to show you, including postcards of the birds and some brand new prints. Vogue calls us ''...London's most excting creative talent'', come see for yourself!
I have 4 tickets to give away, each entitling 2 people to enter for free to either site. To enter the competition please email me at abigail@abigail-brown.co.uk, entitling your email 'xmas'. I'll pick the winners at random on Monday.